Ahmad v. Peel Regional Police Services Board, 2024 ONSC 2474
The CBC (represented by Iain MacKinnon) and CCLA (represented by Iris Fischer and Laura Dougan) intervened in this case where five police officers sought anonymization orders to conceal their identities.  The officers were the Defendants ...

Schoenborn (Re Application), 2024 BCRB 1001
Allan Schoenborn (convicted in February 2010, of killing his three children and found NCRMD) applied to the BC Review Board  to obtain a publication ban over his “new name” in any future proceedings before the ...

Evangelisti v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2024 ONSC 2048
Mr. Evangelisti commenced an application in the Superior Court of Justice seeking an interim, interlocutory, and permanent injunction to prevent the CBC from publishing “any news to the general public” regarding the applicants and damages ...

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