Year: 2020
December 21, 2020
Rebecca Marie Ingram et al v HMQ et al 2020 ABQB
In this recent decision from the ABQB, an application for an anonymization order sought by a deponent is denied.
December 17, 2020
R v Nande and Brule 2020 NWTSC 52
The NWTSC dismissed the Crown’s application for a publication ban over the agreed statement of facts tendered as evidence in the sentencing of an accused who pled guilty to accessory after the fact to murder.
December 11, 2020
R v Melvin 2020 NSSC 356
The CBC successfully dissolved an interim pub ban requested by Jimmy Melvin Jr. regarding a videotape from his dangerous offender hearing.
December 9, 2020
R v Moazami 2020 BCCA 350
Postmedia and CBC filed a Notice of Constitutional Question about whether the BCCA's court record access policy offended s. 2(b) of the Charter.
November 24, 2020
Harris v LTM 2020 ABQB
The ABQB dismissed an application for an injunction brought by the plaintiff in a defamation action.