Year: 2013
December 18, 2013
Edmonton Journal v Canada (Justice) 2013 ABPC 356
A recent decision from Alberta allowing access to an unredacted ITO, used to obtain a Production Order served on the Edmonton Journal, in an ongoing police investigation.
December 3, 2013
MHR Board Game Design Inc. v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2013 ONCA 728
The ONCA upholds the lower court judgment and finds that the release signed by the Plaintiff gave the CBC sole discretion to edit the recording as it saw fit and to portray a factual, fictional or defamatory image of the appellants.
November 22, 2013
R. v. Huth 2013 BCSC 2123
In addition to granting access to videotape exhibits to CTV in this judgment, from the BCSC, Justice Macaulay sets out a media exhibit access protocol to be followed in future criminal trials in B.C.
November 15, 2013
2013 SKCA 122
A Saskatchewan Court of Appeal judge has dismissed a publication ban application in a protracted securities hearing and awarded costs to the Leader Post.
November 13, 2013
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Others v HMQ 2013 ONSC 6983
In a continuation of a series of applications from several media organizations for access to more information contained in an ITO, Nordheimer J. lifted the sealing order on the ITO used for Project Traveller, leaving only specific portions redacted.