Pub Bans and Sealing Orders


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Rebecca Marie Ingram et al v HMQ et al 2020 ABQB

This decision is in relation to an application under Part 6 Division 4 of the Alberta Rules of Court for a discretionary restricted court access order allowing the use of a pseudonym.
This affidavit was one of several filed in an application brought by Heights Baptist Church, Northside Baptist Church, Erin Blacklaws, Torry Tanner and Rebecca Ingram, for an interlocutory, or interim, injunction staying the current (Alberta) Chief Medical Officer of Health Order that restricts indoor and outdoor gatherings, as well as those in private residences, and that mandates the wearing of masks.
After applying the Dagenais-Mentuck test, the Court found that a restricted access order was not necessary and denied the application.