500-01-229363-228 2024 Court of Quebec
The accused is facing two charges, regarding sexual offences allegedly committed in 1997 towards a person under the age of fourteen. The trial was set to start June 17th, 2024. In this application, the accused ...

Canadian Broadcasting Corp. v. Named Person, 2024 SCC 21
A person who acted as an informer for a police force was charged with criminal offences. The person brought a motion for a stay of proceedings based in part on abusive state conduct related to ...

R. v. Sert, 2024 ONSC 2952
Ozughan Sert pleaded guilty to first degree murder under ss. 235(1) and 231(2) and attempted murder under s. 239(1)(b) of the Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46. The Crown successfully applied to have his actions ...

DENT-X CANADA CV-20-00645831-0000
CBC brought an application to lift a sealing order that had been ordered over ten separate civil cases. The sealing order was expansive – covering all the pleadings in the ten proceedings and even included ...

Simán v. Eisenbrandt, 2024 BCCA 176
This appeal concerns the application of the BC PPPA to a defamation action. In the first action the SLAPP suit dismissed, and in the BCCA the appeal was dismissed. The facts of this case relate ...

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