Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

Fine Point Films et al v PSNI et al [2020] NICA 35
In this decision, the NICA sets out its reasons for quashing search warrants and protecting journalist sources.

Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

R v Vice Media Canada Inc 2018 SCC 53
The SCC unanimously upheld an order for a journalist to give police copies of conversations with a person who said he belonged to a terrorist group.

Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

Joannou v Canada (Attorney General) 2018 YKSC 43
In a recent decision, the Yukon Superior Court quashed a subpoena that had been served on a reporter employed by the Yukon News.

Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

CBC and The Walrus Foundation v HMQ et al 2017 12 04
In an application under 487.3 of the Criminal Code, the Ontario Court of Justice ordered seven ITOs in respect of a murder investigation to be almost completely unsealed, rejecting the Crown (and respondent’s) argument that broad sealing orders should be continued in order to preserve fair trial rights, protect innocent persons or avoid compromising an ongoing investigation.

Subpoena, Search Warrant and Production Order

Stringam Denecky LLP v Sun Media Corporation 2017 ABQB 687
The ABQB overturned an earlier decision that would have compelled a journalist to identify their confidential source. It was held that the identity of the source was not relevant and material and did not have to be disclosed.