Other Cases

Other Cases

Cedrom-SNI inc c Dose Pro inc 2017 QCCS 3383
The plaintiff newspapers and their online publisher were found to have had their copyright breached and the defence of fair dealing was found NOT to apply.

Other Cases

Google Inc v Equustek Solutions Inc 2017 SCC 34
The SCC has upheld an order of the BCCA and BCSC for Google to remove the websites of a technology company from its search engine results worldwide.

Other Cases

Nalcor Energy v Anderson 2017 NLTD(G) 51
The Supreme Court of Newfoundland has ruled that a journalist gets no special status as the subject of an ex parte injunction.

Other Cases

Endean v British Columbia 2016 SCC 42
The majority of the court held that superior court judges have a discretionary power to sit together outside their home provinces to hear a motion without oral evidence in the context of a pan‑Canadian settlement agreement. And, that a video link between the out‑of‑province courtroom where the hearing takes place and a courtroom in the judge’s home province is not a condition for a judge to be able to sit outside his or her home province.

Other Cases

HMQ v Vader ABQB September 13 2016
The Alberta Court of Queens Bench allowed cameras to broadcast a murder trial verdict.