Other Cases

Other Cases

Owens v Post Media Network Inc 2016 SKQB 289
After rejecting a human rights complaint brought against the Regina Leader-Post, the SKQB commented on the important and vital role of a free press.

Other Cases

Inquest Motion re broadcasting Provincial Court of Manitoba 2016 28 January
The media applicants sought an order to be permitted to record, videotape and broadcast inquest proceedings into the deaths of Durval David Tavares and Sheldon Anthony McKay at Stony Mountain Institute. They were granted the right to record audio only and to broadcast those recordings.

Other Cases

Crouch v Snell 2015 NSSC 340
Nova Scotia's Cyber-safety Act is found to be unconstitutional based on s.2(b) and s.7 infringements.

Other Cases

Blacklock’s v Canadian Vintners Association et al 2015 CanLII 65885
The plaintiff news corporation was found to have had its copyright breached and the defence of fair dealing was found NOT to apply in this judgment from the Ottawa Small Claims Court.

Other Cases

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v Attorney General of Ontario 2015 ONSC 3131
The media applicants in this case brought an application for a declaration that the practice of OPP officers impersonating journalists for purposes of criminal enforcement and investigation violated s. 2(b) of the Charter. Although the application was dismissed, the OPP now has a Statement of Principles on this issue.