

Jiang v. Sing Tao Daily and Hai Tao Li, 2014 ONSC 287
A prominent lawyer in the Chinese community unsuccessfully sued for defamation.


Trout Point Lodge Ltd. v. Handshoe, 2014 NSSC 62
Trout Point Lodge has received another judgment and damages assessment from the Nova Scotia Supreme Court against Mississippi blogger Doug Handshoe for his continued on-line defamation of Trout Point Lodge and two of its owners.


MHR Board Game Design Inc. v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2013 ONCA 728
The ONCA upholds the lower court judgment and finds that the release signed by the Plaintiff gave the CBC sole discretion to edit the recording as it saw fit and to portray a factual, fictional or defamatory image of the appellants.


Christian Advocacy Society of Greater Vancouver v. Arthur 2013 BCSC 1542
This application arose in relation to a defamation action concerning the publication of a Report authored by Joyce Arthur on behalf of the Pro-Choice Action Network. The defendants brought the application under the BC Supreme Court ...


Roshard v. St. Dennis 2013 BCSC 1388
The defendant, Patrick St. Dennis, was a candidate for re-election on a local council, and gave an interview which was published on a website and portions of which were quoted in a newsletter. The plaintiff, ...