

Horne v Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre 2018 NSCA 20
The NSCA took issue with the trial judge's failure in his jury instructions to fully differentiate between a contract claim, which was denied, and a loss of reputation claim and reduced a damages award.


Weaver v Ball 2018 BCSC 205
The BCSC dismissed a defamation claim brought by Green Party leader Andrew Weaver against Dr. Timothy Ball, a climate change skeptic.


TRAMS Property Management Inc et Terry Pomerantz c Postmedia Network Inc 16 January 2018 CSQ
The Quebec Superior Court summarily dismissed, as abusive under Quebec’s anti-SLAPP legislation, a $1.6 million libel suit against Postmedia.


United Soils Management Ltd v Mohammed 2017 ONSC 4450
The ONSC dismissed a defamation suit against an Ontario teacher under s. 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act (anti-SLAPP) finding that "the balance in this case lies to the favour of protecting the freedom of expression as opposed to permitting the action to continue".


John v Ballingall 2017 ONCA 579
The ONCA has confirmed that an online newspaper is a "newspaper" within the meaning of the Ontario Libel and Slander Act, and subject to the same libel notice and limitation period as a print article.