Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

R v Minassian 2019 ONSC 4455
The ONSC denied an application for a publication ban and sealing order on information and evidence filed in relation to a pre-trial motion

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

R v Assoun 2019 NSSC 220
This NSSC decision ends the sealing of a court file in the case of a man who spent sixteen and a half years in prison for a murder he did not commit.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

HMQ v Rebecca Reid 2019 OCJ 19-6210
In this Ontario Court of Justice decision, the Crown’s application for a non-publication and sealing Order on a potential victim impact statement was dismissed. The application was pursuant to section 486.7 of the CCC, which was a novel use of that provision.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Bibeau c La Presse et al 2019 QCCA
In this judgment, the Quebec Court of Appeal states that “at most” the absence of charges is just one of many factors that the Court has to consider in applying Dagenais/Mentuck under s. 487.3 of the Criminal Code.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

HMTQ v CBC 2019 ONSC 1079
In this ONSC decision, the CBC and PostMedia were found not to be in civil contempt, under s. 486.4 of the Criminal Code, of publication bans issued in criminal proceedings.