Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Court and Tribunal Openness

2021 Quebec Superior Court File 500-11-059267-209
The Quebec Superior Court terminates a sealing order on an exhibit filed in a civil proceeding seeking approval of an arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act.

Court and Tribunal Openness

United States v Meng 2021 BCSC 1253
Ms. Meng unsuccessfully applied for an order banning the publication of documents she received from HSBC and had filed with the Court as part of her extradition hearing.

Court and Tribunal Openness

Sherman Estate v Donovan 2021 SCC 25
The Toronto Star successfully challenged the sealing orders on the probate files of the Sherman estate.

Court and Tribunal Openness

Rowat v the Crown, the CBC et al 2021 ONSC 2215
In this decision the ONSC dismissed the accused’s application for an order banning the publication of his name because his section 7 and 11 Charter rights would be infringed.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Andrik-Oland v Oland 2021 NBQB 005
This decision, from the NBQB, contains some very helpful language respecting the application of Mentuck and the open court principle.