Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

Office of the Chief Coroner v Can. Assoc. of Elizabeth Fry Soc. and The Elizabeth Fry Soc. of Sk. (15January2016) Saskaton, QBG 1640/2015 (SaskQB)
The Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench denied applications to close the court room during a judicial review application and for a sealing order of a report into the death of a women offender at the Regional Psychiatric Centre, Prairie Region prepared by a Board of Investigation appointed under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

500-36-006633-138 2016 Court of Quebec
The Court of Quebec allows the media to publish information contained in an ITO to obtain a restraint or freeze order even if that same information is covered by a publication ban in the bail hearing and in the ongoing preliminary inquiry.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

R v Nuttall 2016 BCSC 73
The judge in this criminal trial, dealing with a question of entrapment, held that the Dagenais/Mentuck analysis applies regardless of CSIS concerns over identifying a possible “CSIS human source”. The judge reversed an earlier decision to go in camera and released a transcript, redacting information identifying the source for their safety.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

R v Barrett 2016 NSSC 11
Accused to stand trial on two separate counts of second degree murder. First trial to take place 9 months before second trial. Accused seeks a publication ban on evidence at the first trial until conclusion of his second trial. Application denied.

Pub Bans and Sealing Orders

R v Clark 2015 ABQB 729
Several media outlets successfully applied to quash a publication ban that had been imposed at a preliminary inquiry in which the new sections 486.4(2.1) and (2.2) of the Criminal Code were cited.