Other Cases


Giustra v Twitter Inc 2021 BCSC 54
BCSC decision on jurisdiction in defamation case where movie mogul's lawsuit against Twitter is allowed to proceed in BC.

Other Cases

British Columbia (Attorney General) v BridgeMark Financial Corp 2020 BCSC 1704
BC court refused a request to seal documents in a civil proceeding relating to a securities dispute, finding insufficient evidence of harm to a public interest.

Other Cases

CBC/Radio Canada v Arsenault 2020 QSC 500-36-009608-202
This decision concerns the protection of confidential sources and of journalistic material.


Candelora v Feser 2020 NSSC 177
An award of damages in this NSSC decision under the Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act, S.N.S. 2017, c. 7.


Albo v The Winnipeg Free Press et al 2020 MBCA 50
The MBCA upheld the lower court decision and found no breach of copyright or contract.