

Bent v Platnick 2020 SCC 23
In a 5-4 decision, the majority of the SCC ruled that the defamation lawsuit should be allowed to continue.


1704604 Ontario Ltd v Pointes Protection Association 2020 SCC 22
The SCC ruled that the public interest in the environmental group’s right to speak out far outweighed any harm to a developer.


1373366 Ontario Inc. v. Hayman et al., 2020 ONSC 4666
The ONSC has dismissed another defamation action under s. 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act.


Candelora v Feser 2020 NSSC 177
An award of damages in this NSSC decision under the Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act, S.N.S. 2017, c. 7.


Bullard v. Rogers Media Inc. 2020 ONSC 3084
The ONSC dismissed this defamation action under s. 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act.