

Northwest Organics Limited Partnership v. Maguire 2013 BCSC 1328
The defendants applied for an order dismissing the plaintiffs’ claim of defamation as a “strategic lawsuit against public participation” (SLAPP). The defendants proposed that the tests under Rules 9-5 and 9-6 (of the British Columbia Supreme ...


Mainstream Canada v. Staniford 2013 BCCA 341
The BCCA allows this appeal and finds that the trial judge erred in finding the test for the defence of fair comment was satisfied. The trial judge's order dismissing the appellant's claim is set aside and the permanent injunction is granted.


Unrau v. McSween 2013 BCCA 343
The plaintiff appealed from an order dismissing his defamation action for want of prosecution. The appeal from the dismissal of the action was dismissed on the grounds that the chambers judge made no reviewable error ...


Nu Fibre Inc. v. Ishkanian 2013 BCSC 1255
In this defamation action, the Defendant, Ishkanian, relied upon the defences of justification, qualified privilege, fair comment on a matter of public interest, and responsible communication. Grauer J. ruled in favour of the Defendant on ...


Toor v. Harding 2013 BCSC 1202
In this defamation action, the Vancouver Sun appealed a lower court ruling in which they had asked for words to be pruned from a notice of civil claim, and which had been dismissed. The decision of the ...