

Kent v Postmedia Network Inc 2015 ABQB 461
Paul Godfrey, CEO of the National Post and Gordon Fisher, former publisher of the National Post, are granted summary judgment in dismissing all claims against them in this defamation action brought by Arthur Kent.


Canadian Union of Postal Workers v Quebecor Media Inc 2015 ONSC 4511
This judgment sets out what constitutes proper notice and the ability of unions to sue for defamation.


Michael Elder v Toronto Life Publishing Co. Ltd. 2015 ONSC
Michael Elder failed in his motion for an interlocutory injunction to prevent further dissemination of the May issue of Toronto Life magazine, which contained an article about him.


Baglow v Smith 2015 ONSC 1175
Fair comment prevails in the battle between the bloggers.


Weaver v Corcoran 2015 BCSC 165
The court concludes that as long as defamatory reader comments are removed promptly after being brought to the attention of the host site, there has been no publication, and there is no need to consider the defence of innocent dissemination.