

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v Whatcott 2016 SKCA 17
This recent decision from the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal overturns the Court of Queen's Bench findings of malice and of aggravated damages, and reduces the general damages award to a nominal amount of $1,000. The appeal regarding the meaning of the publication was dismissed based on the standard of review.`


Taseko Mines Limited v Western Canada Wilderness Committee 2016 BCSC 109
A defamation action by a mining company against an environmental organization over five internet articles was dismissed after trial, with special costs for a substantial portion of the proceeding.


Casses v Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2015 BCSC 2150
In a lengthy judgment following a 7 week trial, CBC succeeded in a responsible communication defence in relation to a investigative series regarding a surgeon.


Robinson v Furlong 2015 BCSC 1690
In a rare instance, a journalist brought a defamation action against the person about whom she wrote.


Goldhar v et al 2015 ONSC 1128
The defendants brought an unsuccessful motion for an order to stay this defamation action on several grounds, including forum non conveniens.