

Goldhar v 2016 ONCA 515
The plaintiff lives and works in Ontario but owns a popular soccer team and has a residence in Israel, which he visits several times a year. The libel action related to a newspaper column about ...


J.K. v The Korea Times et al 2016 ONCA 375
This ONCA decision summarizes the analysis required in considering the adequacy of a libel notice.


Nazerali v Mitchell 2016 BCSC 810
The BC Supreme Court has awarded 1.2 million in damages in a case of extreme internet defamation.


John v Ballingall et al 2016 ONSC 2245
This ONSC decision states unambiguously that online publication of a newspaper article is subject to the notice and limitation provisions in the Libel and Slander Act “unless specific facts dictate otherwise.”


Canadian Union of Postal Workers v Quebecor Media Inc 2016 ONCA 206 Note
The ONCA overturned a lower court judgment on a Rule 21 motion, finding that the appellant met the notice requirements of the LSA.