

Veneruzzo et al v Storey 2017 ONSC 683
This recent ONSC decision in a motion brought under s. 137.1(3) includes an analysis of what constitutes “the public interest”.


Awan v Levant 2016 ONCA 970
Ezra Levant appealed the finding of libel and the quantum of damages awarded in a decision of the ONSC in 2014. The ONCA upheld the trial judgment.


Platnick v Bent 2016 ONSC 7340
This is the latest and most substantial decision yet on the new Ontario anti-SLAPP law, s. 137.1 of the CJA, from the ONSC.


Sergakis c Peter McQueen 15 November 2016 Cour superieure du Quebec
The Court dismissed, at a preliminary stage, an action in defamation brought by Peter Sergakis, a well-known bar and restaurant owner, against Montreal city councillor Peter McQueen, deeming Sergakis’ action to be abusive and a SLAPP.


Able Translations Ltd v Express International Translations Inc 2016 ONSC 6785
The first successful use of the new Ontario law, s. 137.1, of the CJA recently introduced by the Protection of Public Participation Act.