

Taseko Mines Limited v Western Canada Wilderness Committee 2017 BCCA
While the BC Court of Appeal has not yet ruled, its decision to webcast the appeal was a positive development.


Brissette v Cactus Club Cabaret Ltd. 2017 BCCA 200
The BCCA held that it was appropriate on a summary trial to decide the issue of qualified privilege.


École musulmane de Montréal c Benhabib 2017 QCCA 775
The QCCA granted a motion to dismiss the appeal, on the basis that the appeal was devoid of any merit. This confirmed the Superior Court's ruling that the defendant did not commit a fault in criticizing a Muslim school, and that no defamation occurred as a result of these criticisms.


Weaver v Corcoran 2017 BCCA 160
The appellants submitted the judge erred in finding them jointly liable in defamation for four articles written by three different authors. The BCCA has allowed the appeal and a new trial has been ordered.


Graham v Star Phoenix 2017 SKQB 42
In this highly fact specific case, the SKQB made a finding of malice against the defendants and awarded aggravated damages in addition to general damages.