Levant v DeMelle 2022 ONCA 79
The ONCA dismissed appeals by Rebel Media and Ezra Levant.


The Catalyst Capital Group Inc. and Callidus Capital Corporation v. West Face Capital Inc. et al., 2021 ONSC 7957
The ONSC  has dismissed Catalyst Capital Group Inc.’s lawsuits against seven parties, including the Wall Street Journal and a rival private equity firm, West Face Capital Inc under s. 137.1. Several years ago, both Catalyst ...


Levant v Demelle 2021 ONSC 1074
The ONSC dismissed this defamation action, finding that the plaintiff had not led any specific evidence that any specific harm had been suffered.


Rebel News v. Al Jazeera Media 2021 ONSC 1035
Al Jazeera succeeds in its anti-SLAPP motion against Rebel News.


Bent v Platnick 2020 SCC 23
In a 5-4 decision, the majority of the SCC ruled that the defamation lawsuit should be allowed to continue.